

Saturday, 12 June 2021

EliteRomPlus-12.5.3-A11-Miui12.5 for Redmi Note 10 Pro!


EliteRomPlus-12.5.3-A11-Miui12.5 Released for Redmi Note 10 Pro!
- Includes all previous version changes of A11. Plus,
- Fully Deodexed Rom
- Fully Debloated. no useless crap there, all removed, lightweight rom.
- R/W system.
- Enforcing Selinux now.
- 80% nuked thermals, with many tweaks for performance boost to maxed out
- Status icons hide options  for all network nd bluetooth, alarm, vpn etc
- Multiple statusbars including iOS, AOSP and Center clock mods
- Brightness bar customizations are also included, For old styled shade for now,
- Dynamic choice for selecting QS columns in minimized old shade
- Dynamic choice for selecting QS columns in expanded old shade
- Dynamic choice for selecting QS Rows in expanded old shade.
- New UI for changing/moving sliders,
- Smart Networks, choose many options to customize SIM actions
- Many new animation scale values to choose.
- Disable all applications notifications
- Volume bar show time selection in sound settings.
- Notifications text colors on user's choice
- Background of notifications panel on user's choice
- Background color/edges and color customizations for notifications!
- FIXED privacy protection crash
- Edges effects, Charging animations on statusbar and sides.
- Screenshot in secured apps is possible now.
- Whole IncallUi tweaks are back now, check in Elite Settings
- Enable/Disable Global dark mode for all apps at once.
- Due to recent changes in codes, that afternoon thing in clock settings, clock customizations need rework so will be included in next one.
- MIUI Launcher as default on user's request. animations are there.
- Mi Dialer & Msgs app.
- 5-Way new sound menues. Sound assistant and all there.
- Charging COlors are there to set.
- List animations choice present.
- List interpolation choice.
- Toast animations working now, unlike first A11 release.
- Magisk prompts are quick now, unlike previous A11 release.
- Notification sound when screen is on option
- Fingerprint unlock after reboot.
- Always show notifications on lockscreen.
- Actionbar type choice.
- Number of notifications icons choice.
- Choice of time to appear for sound panels.
- Added all missing icons for some settings menues, there are 1 or 2 missing, will be added again, didn't found yet.
- Amoled Colors module, need kernel support.

To Get the EliteRomPlus version with more features/changes, See EliteRomPlus Tab.

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