

Friday, 21 May 2021

EliteRomPlus- for POCO X3 Pro


EliteRomPlus- Released for POCO X3 Pro
- Brightness bar customizations. colors, size, picture in back etc
- Navbar button colors are customizable now.
- Clock customizations. works with 3rd party themes, Color, size, style, all.
- Audio Visualiztions. configure audio beats on your choice either in lockscreen or notification bar.
- Battery Customizations. shape, percent size, color etc
- QS Toggles Customizations. change color, fonts, styles of qs toggles on both old+new styled.
- Statusbar Icons customizations: Color, size, transaparency of 2G/3G/4G/Wifi everything available
- Dynamic number of toggle columns in expanded and collapsed view
- New sounds from MIUI 12.5.
- Google Round corners are present now, you can easily remove them by just removing a prop from a module.
- List/Scroll animations of 14 types in all apps except system apps
- StatusBar type selection, choose from DSB, One row or two rows!
- Ability to change Network Speed Meter options including single/double and with Resizing to your need.
- 4-way Volume bars to choose levels differently
- R/W system. you can add/remove/debloat stuff from it.
- Edge effects. lightning animations of dark purple color.
- Notifications background matrix effect BUT only on blur background themes, like default/stock.
- Enforcing Selinux.
- Navbar button colors are customizable now.
- Sampling frequency, bitrate for recording calls can be set on user's choice
- Action selection after incoming or outgoing call.
- Custom background choose option for call
- Maximum brightness on active call
- Night Mode/daylight mode in calls
- Avatar size for contacts. On user's choice
- Location of inCall buttons on user's choice
- Many ident and moving buttons options for caller name, avatar, size etc. Explore yourself
- Full Screen Caller selection
- ActionBar type selection, Choose old MIUI11 type small actionbar or Dynamic like MIUI12.
- Mute Notifications sound when screen is on.
- Preferred Network Types selection. choose from various options not present in normal roms.
- Volumebar show time, single and expanded
- Colored notifications: Chats, sender, summary, title and many more coloring on user's choice
- QS Tiles customizations: Change toggling animations, fast/slow, style. Toggle flow animations of various types. purely smooth
- Disabled annoying low battery notification
- Dynamic Notification Icons Size, you can enlarge or make it small according to your need.
- Dynamic Number of Notification Icons, you can select instantly how many icons to show in statusbar.
- Lockscreen Notifications.
- Signature verification disabled in totally. Install lower versions, different signature apps possible.
- Ability to Disable Notifications of any app, either system apps or normal
- Gorgeous charging animations with customizations now
- Storage tab by default when you open File Explorer.
- Ability to Install system apk downloaded from third-party sources.
- Adblocker Disabled by default.
- Totally Debloated, No useless crap there. Super wallpapers removed, install apks if you need.
- System apps will be updated to latest versions after testing them thoroughly
- Deodexed ROM.
- Enlarged thumbnails in contacts and call log.
- Magisk-Canary provided for root, 
- SmoothUI tweaks by Elite Development
- Amoled Colors module, need kernel support.

To Get the EliteRomPlus version with more features/changes, See EliteRomPlus Tab.

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