

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

EliteRom- for POCO X3


EliteRom- Released for POCO X3
- Retained all features from and previous builds Plus.
- Base updated to! Last update based on EU. next roms from my side will be on global stable rom hope so
- Regrouped everything to Elite Settings in settings app
- Many missing settings icons are added in rom.
- MIUI-12 logo's also got renewed from MIUI12.5
- Safetynet is passed. Latest Magisk-22.0 extracted to internal. Remember to hide magisk and tick magiskhide!
- Removed global OnePlus animations from base rom.
- ActionBar change is possible now, Change MIUI 11 type small Actionbar or dynamic.
- Charging system changed, customized to red now, glow charging animations are OP now.
- Forced GPU rendering disabled by default as some had issues in some apps.
- FM Radio is back on users choice.
- Framerate choice, 120/90/60Hz added now. on selecting 90, it reverts back but dont worry, its applied, check with any app/web.
- Sound system is renewed, Some had issue with more low or more high volume, stereo effects modified
- APKs verifications, signature verifications, downgrading apk versions all Possible now. Properly Patched.
- Round corners support for Dialog boxes, just initialized, no idea working or not, will focus on it intentially next time.
- Package Manager patched for installing 3rd party/system apps easily.
- Moved more customizations stuff to their specific category. Looks a bit simple now.
- Enabled screenshots in secure apps. removed limitation.
- Magnetor app info crash issue fixed.
- Second Space, Privacy protection password, all menus fixed now, there is no crash in settings at all.
- Both Surya+Karna supported now!
- Low Battery annonying popup/sound disabled
- Deodexed ROM.
- Dynamic Notification Icons Size, you can enlarge or make it small according to your need.
- Dynamic Number of Notification Icons, you can select instantly how many icons to show in statusbar.
- Storage tab by default when you open File Explorer.
- Signature verification disabled in Package Manager (full bypass in next update)
- Ability to Disable Notifications of any app, either system or normal
- Moderate Debloated. Super wallpapers removed, install apks if you need.

- Make sure you are decrypted, Dont whine if you are prompted for data reset without doing so.
- Use OrangeFox-11.6 only,
- Wipe data, system, dalvic, cache
- Install Rom zip. 
- No need for DFE or Firmware. All inside
- Enjoy the Smoothness better than any Rom!
- Patched Magisk available in group @EliteDevelopmentforPOCOX3 it will remove encryption & dm-verify by default.

To Get the EliteROM-Plus version with more features/changes, See EliteRomPlus Tab.

1 comment:

  1. Please give link twrp orangefox 11.6 , i can't find 11.6 on any website
