

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

AOKP 7.1.2 for hi6250 based on Nougat blobs(EMUI5.X)

AOKP-Android Open Kang Project
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
 * Your warranty is now void.
 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
 * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
 * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
 * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
 * you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot.

What is AOKP ?
AOKP stands for Android Open Kang Project. It is a custom ROM distribution for several high-end Android devices. The name is a play on the word kang and AOSP (Android Open Source Project). The name was sort of a joke, but it just stuck, just like our infatuation with unicorns.

We fork the source code of Android that Google puts out in the open with every major version release, and we then add the magical unicorn bytes (read: we add some of the coolest features that are both useful and make your ROM awesome).

With AOKP, you can generally do a lot more with your device than what you could do with the original firmware that came installed on it.

*Unsecure boot.img (stock AOSP kernel)

*Superuser & Busybox preinstalled
*180 Degree rotation
*Built in performance/init.d configuration (Thanks Kejar & company)
*CM Launcher/ Power Menu
*CM Brightness slider
*Custom color for anything in RC
*Clock Color/Location: Right, Center, Disable
*Battery Icon/ Color Picker: CircleMod, Bar, Text Only, Icon Only, Icon+Text or None
*Battery Bar in Status Bar or Nav Bar, Bar Thickness, Charging animation
*Nav Bar Transparency
*Nav Bar Button Reorder: Back-Home-Search-Menu
*Nav Bar Color Picker
*Nav Bar Button Glow Duration: Off, Fast, Slow
*Nav Bar: Long press to Search button
*Nav Bar Hide on Lockscreen
*Toggles in Pull Down Menu: Auto rotate, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, Aiplane mode, Vibrate, Silent, Sync, Data, 4G, Tethering, Torch, *Brightness
*LCD Density (Careful with this)
*Menu Button location: Right, Left, both, Remove
*Menu Button Visability: Always show, Always show Invisible Icons
*Lockscreen Style: Quad, Octo, Stock
*Lockscreen SMS customizable shortcut
*Lockscreen Horizontal Option
*Performance Menu: (Use With Caution) Max/ Min CPU, Scaling Governor
*Unlock Sceen with Legacy Menu Icon
*Volume Key to Wake Screen
*Volume Key to Skip Tracks
*Long-press back button to kill process
*Disable CRT off animation
*LED pulse settings (time on/off)
*ICS ringtones/notification sounds
*Customize carrier text to whatever.
*Power Menu options: Boot to recovery/ Boot loader, Reboot, Screenshot
*Facebook contact sync integration (must wipe to get this)
*Disable Boot animation
*Keyboard: Volume keys act as a cursor while typing -- disable in keyboard options
*Long press home for recent apps (thanks brucekey)

Installation Instructions:

* -- AOKP only supports TWRP recovery. Use any other recovery at your own risk. 
* -- AOKP only supports EliteKernelReborn. I will not provide support for those using other kernels.
* -- Download the Latest AOKP 7.1.2 from Downloads...
* -- Delete all your Fingerprints from Stock or Elite ROM.
* -- Ensure the latest version of TWRP Recovery is installed.
* -- Ensure that Stock/unmodified P9 Lite vendor is installed... (if you are on Elite ROM, any version, you are on stock vendor)
* -- Do Complete TWRP Backup...
* -- Wipe only Data (Should be ext4), Dalvic, Cache, System... Dont touch other Partitions...
* -- Install AOKP 7.1.2
* -- Install GApps (optional)
* -- Install SuperSU or Magisk (optional)
* -- Reboot with Pray :)
You Tell Me :)

If You are having RIL Disconnecting issue, Please Flash your Original CUST Partition.... (Elite ROM has different Region CUST)

Read FAQs Here.... Useful for common Fixes

Source Codes:

AOKP Source Codes

2018-02-07 AOKP-7.1.2-20180207-hi6250-UNOFFICIAL:
*Updated Security Patch
*Added vulkan Support
*Bluetooth: possibly fix BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
*Fix bug which always made performance the effective power profile
*Add config for VOLTE on provision.(Not Tested)
*Fixed inputchannel crash/soft-reboot
*Added BLL Support
*Ril Fixed...
*Updated to December Security Patch
*OTG automatic now...
*Kernel Upstreamed to 4.1.46
*P10 Lite Support Added
*More tweaks and improvements

2017-12-05 AOKP-7.1.2-20171205-hi6250-UNOFFICIAL:

*Initial Release...


Rom Devices: P9 Lite, Honor 5C, 6X, 8 Lite, 10 Lite
Rom Kernel: EliteKernelReborn v6+
Kernel: Upstreamed to 4.1.46
Rom Status: Stable
Last Updated: 2018-02-07


Choose 7.1 arm64 GApps (Pico Recommended)


  1. Replies
    1. Follow instructions carefully & use only on mentioned devices...

  2. is it working on Honor 6x bln-l22 ?

  3. Fingerprint still not working. Settings stops all the time.
