

Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Omni ROM 7.1.2 for hi6250 based on Nougat blobs (EMUI 5.X)


#include <std_disclaimer.h>
 * Your warranty is now void.
 * I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
 * thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
 * do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
 * before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
 * you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot.

What is OmniROM ?
Installation Instructions:
* -- Omni only supports TWRP recovery. Use any other recovery at your own risk. 
* -- Omni only supports EliteKernelReborn. I will not provide support for those using other kernels.
* -- Download the Latest OmniROM 7.1.2 from Downloads...
* -- Delete all your Fingerprints from Stock or Elite ROM.
* -- Ensure the latest version of TWRP Recovery is installed.
* -- Ensure that Stock/unmodified P9 Lite vendor is installed... (if you are on Elite ROM, any version, you are on stock vendor)
* -- Do Complete TWRP Backup...
* -- Wipe only Data, Dalvic, Cache, System... Dont touch other Partitions...
* -- Install OmniROM 7.1.2
* -- Install GApps (optional)
* -- Install SuperSU or Magisk (optional)
* -- Reboot with Pray :)
You Tell Me :)

If You are having RIL Disconnecting issue, Please Flash your Original CUST Partition.... (Elite ROM has different Region CUST)

Read FAQs Here.... Useful for common Fixes

Source Codes:

OmniROM Source Codes


2018-01-31 Omni-7.1.2-20180131-hi6250-HOMEMADE:
*Updated Security Patch
*Added vulkan Support
*Bluetooth: possibly fix BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
*Fix bug which always made performance the effective power profile
*Add config for VOLTE on provision.(Not Tested)
*Fixed inputchannel crash/soft-reboot
*Added BLL Support
*Ril Fixed...
*Updated to December Security Patch
*OTG automatic now...
*Kernel Upstreamed to 4.1.46
*P10 Lite Support Added
*More tweaks and improvements

2017-12-01 Omni-7.1.2-20171201-hi6250-HOMEMADE:
*DT2W bug fixed
*OTG Host switch working now
*Bluetooth connection to headset fixed
*NFC added...


Rom Devices: P9 Lite, Honor 5C, 6X, 8 Lite, 10 Lite
Rom Kernel: EliteKernelReborn v6+
Kernel: Upstreamed to 4.1.46
Rom Status: Stable
Last Updated: 2018-01-31



Choose 7.1 arm64 GApps (Pico Recommended)

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